The Trio
We first brought home Phoebe when we knew we needed to protect our alpacas and goats. Quickly, we realized she would need a companion so we brought home her half-sister, Aster. Not long after, my husband began to wonder if we shouldn't consider breeding them because their temperaments, personalities, and intelligence had impressed everyone. With breeding as a goal, we searched for a sire with a distinctly different pedigree and we ended up finding Pax in Belgium. After Pax, we brought Finn from Finland. They have been a delight on the farm!
Pacome "Pax" du Mas de Beauvoisin
Pax hails from Belgium. His breeder helped to establish the Great Pyrenees show lines in Europe. He is highly intelligent and intuitive yet extremely loving and gentle. He is also playful and is known at the grooming salon for his endless supply of kisses and hugs.
Phoebe's mother, Lady, is a Hollywood star. Besides being in an Animal Planet featurette "Too Cute", she also played Mrs. Paws in "Santa Paws 2". Phoebe's grandfather, and Lady's father, played Santa Paws in "The Search for Santa Paws". The movie has become a holiday staple in our home ever since Phoebe came to live with us right before Christmas. Phoebe is our most gentle pyr, often rescuing baby bunnies from the other dogs, and is also the most likely to obey. She is expressive and very in tune to her family. She used to delight us as a puppy by "singing" along with the children's violin practice. And anyone who visits will end up receiving a "paw" from Phoebe to remind them she hasn't been sufficiently loved on. On the farm, she is dilligent at protecting the other animals from hawks and eagles.
Wells Providence Phoebe
Wells Providence Aster
Aster comes from the reknown Lemon lines of LGD's on her maternal side. She is extremely intelligent and independent. She is quick to respond to the call of alarm and lets you know she takes her job very seriously. Her intelligence and independence also make her unfailingly stubborn! But, she is completely tender-hearted around her family, around whom she will flop to the ground on her back and present her belly for rubs and scratches. She is very attentive to her charges and will stand guard silently, watching and protecting, for a very long time. When I see her watching in her "on duty" stance, I'll know a puppy, or a child, has wandered somewhere they shouldn't be. We love Aster's loyalty and she will always be the first to return home after an impromptu escape around the neighborhood.
A photo of Finn at 8 weeks taken at the beautiful Chenespace kennels in Finland.
Finn is our gentle, sweet-temperament, child-loving, intelligent and responsive boy from Finland. He is beautiful with gorgeous fluid movement and a generous, strong head. He is, from a puppy, very masculine looking.